Accord par conversation privée par l'application portable d'Instagram.
"Quelle chance de vivre à Paris!" me dit-on parfois: pfff! Non, quelle chance de vivre à Venise; sa richesse culturelle, sa singularité, et surtout son acqua alta. Gaia est une belle Vénitienne et à l'habitude des acqua alta, la voici lors d'une des dernières de l'hiver, il y a environ deux semaines. La période à risque est du 15 septembre au 15 avril chaque année. D'ailleurs, il y en a une en cours en ce moment même.
Gaia ne s'en lasse pas du tout, cette nuit-là on la voit savourer sa clope, assise les pieds dans l'eau.Tenue et pose sont vraiment sympa sur cette photo atypique. En privé elle m'écrit que ce sont ses bottes préférées dans ces circonstances...
Agreement by private conversation by Instagram mobile application."How lucky to live in Paris!" I am told sometimes No, what chance of living in Venice; its cultural wealth, its singularity, and especially its high water. Lovely Gaia lives in Venice and is used to. That atypical (but a must Piazza S.Marco) shot was taken during one of the last one of the winter, some two weeks ago. The risk period is from middle september to middle april each year. Besides, there is one right now.
Gaia doesn't get tired at all, that night we see her enjoying her cig, comfortanly sitting with her feet in water. Outfit and pose are really cool. In private she writes me that these are her favourite boots in each acqua alta. (Video made with the shot)
Gaia doesn't get tired at all, that night we see her enjoying her cig, comfortanly sitting with her feet in water. Outfit and pose are really cool. In private she writes me that these are her favourite boots in each acqua alta. (Video made with the shot)