Vu les températures actuelles autour de 30°, le blog a de la peine à redémarrer. Excepté le post sur les Tonia et leur effet sur la transpiration des pieds des seventies, sans parler de la Direction de Aigle sans réaction. En attendant trois looks pris à Paris à Rock-en-Seine, le 24 aout jour gris. Je ne prends jamais de photo sans permission, mais il n'y a aucun contact possible. C'est un nouveau site de street style:
Given temperatures around 30 °, the blog knows a hard rebooting. Except the post about Tonia and their impact on the sweating of the feet of the seventies, without mentioning the Directorate of Aigle without any reaction. Meanwhile three looks made in Paris at Rock-en-Seine festival, august 24, a cloudy day. I never take pictures without permission, but there is no contact. An exception with that new site of street style. Here is its link:
Given temperatures around 30 °, the blog knows a hard rebooting. Except the post about Tonia and their impact on the sweating of the feet of the seventies, without mentioning the Directorate of Aigle without any reaction. Meanwhile three looks made in Paris at Rock-en-Seine festival, august 24, a cloudy day. I never take pictures without permission, but there is no contact. An exception with that new site of street style. Here is its link: