Comment Carole fait-elle pour supporter ses bottes de cheval Alezan des heures par de telles températures (44-45°C mais pas à l'ombre, il n'y en a pas!), même si leur Renault de location est certainement dotée de l'air conditionné?
I decided to spend that million visits with wonderful Carole and friend Stefan who for years have been feeding the blog with pictures of really highest quality, both aesthetically and technically. Thank you to the other contributors such as Alejandro, recordman on the quantity, and Grzegorz, over time, and all the others like recently Inga or Susy, to followers and commentators, to the fashion bloggers and parisian pedestrianized girls! The blog could not dispense with them.
How does Carole handle her Alezan rubber riding boots during hours by such temperatures, even if their rental Renault is certainly equipped with air conditioner?