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Edna 100% esprit BDC69


Henry & Edna viennent de m'envoyer de Nouvelle Zélande cette photo exclusive pour le BDC69. Un look à fond dans l'esprit du blog. C'est finalement rare de voir des bottes de cheval associées à un blue jean délavé.
Henry & Edna just sent me from New Zealand this exclusive photo for the blog. A look which is fully into its spirit. It's finally rare to see rubber riding boots combined with a blue washed denim.
Henry: "The photo was about 2 weeks ago. It is spring here but that day it was a little cold, about 15 degrees C, so we wore jackets".
Edna in Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/search/?w=12656878@N06&q=riding%20boots

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