L'automne est tombé ce week-end, le pluie tombe surtout la nuit. Comme je n'ai rien vu d'interessant aujourd'hui je vous propose ce soir des street shots de 2011, une jolie passante en slim gris et en bottes de cheval d'un modèle disparu aujourd'hui, des Aigle Ecuyer. Je me souviens qu'elle était ravie que je la photographie de face! Sur ces images, tout est gris: le slim, le bitume, le ciel.
Ces shots ont été déjà publiés partiellement et en formât plus petit dans l'ancien blog.
Autumn started this weekend, rain falls mainly at night. Since I have not seen anything interesting today I propose street shots of 2011, a pretty girl in gray skinny jeans and tall rubber riding boots, a model which disappeared today: Aigle Ecuyer. I remember she was thrilled that I photograph her! In these images, everything is gray: skinny jeans, bitumen & the sky.
These shots have already been partly published in smaller size in the old blog.
Ces shots ont été déjà publiés partiellement et en formât plus petit dans l'ancien blog.
Autumn started this weekend, rain falls mainly at night. Since I have not seen anything interesting today I propose street shots of 2011, a pretty girl in gray skinny jeans and tall rubber riding boots, a model which disappeared today: Aigle Ecuyer. I remember she was thrilled that I photograph her! In these images, everything is gray: skinny jeans, bitumen & the sky.
These shots have already been partly published in smaller size in the old blog.