Difficile de ranger dans une catégorie ces bottes de la marque californienne Zoubaby. Bottes de cheval? Le haut oui, le bas un peu moins. J'avais fait un post il y a quatre ans sur cette nouvelle marque qui a la particularité de proposer le marquage de vos propres initiales sur le haut de ses bottes. On aime ou on n'aime pas.
Kate, cette ravissante Texane récemment diplômée de l'université d'Austin, justement en possède une paire, elle estime qu'elles ont plutôt la coupe de bottes d'équitation. Dans son blog de mode elle les porte avec un joli legging noir et un coupe-vent rose, l'allure générale est réussie. Les photos évoquent presque une campagne publicitaire. Kate m'a écrit que ce genre de bottes de pluie est très populaire au Texas et dans les autres Etats du Sud. Un grand merci à Kate.
"Not only are they shaped like a riding boot (dead) but they come with the most beautiful, unique monogram font I’ve seen"
Difficult to choose a category for these boots of californian brand Zoubaby. Riding boots? Yes for the top, down a little less. I made a post four years ago about this new brand that has the particularity of proposing tagging monogramm of your own initials on the top of your brand new boots. One likes or dislikes.
Kate, this lovely Texan recently graduate of University of Austin, owns a pair precisely, she considers that they have rather riding boots shape. I agree in a way. In her fashion blog she wears them with beautiful black leggings and a pink rain jacket. General appearance is successful, pictures almost suggest an advertising campaign. Kate wrote me that this kind of rain boots is very popular in Texas and other southern states. A big thank you to Kate.
Kate, this lovely Texan recently graduate of University of Austin, owns a pair precisely, she considers that they have rather riding boots shape. I agree in a way. In her fashion blog she wears them with beautiful black leggings and a pink rain jacket. General appearance is successful, pictures almost suggest an advertising campaign. Kate wrote me that this kind of rain boots is very popular in Texas and other southern states. A big thank you to Kate.
"Yes, that is a popular wellies style in Texas as well as most Southern states. :)"