Dans mes recherches sur les sites roumains j'ai éprouvé le même plaisir à découvrir toutes ces photos, comme ce fut le cas en 2012 lorsque je m'étais penché sur le festival polonais de Open'er. Comme les Polonaises, les Roumaines offrent plus de looks détonnants en bottes de cheval, n'hésitant pas à mélanger matières et couleurs dans leurs looks, un peu plus que les Espagnoles, et bien plus que les Françaises.
Leurs bdc sont probablement toutes de Decathlon, présent partout dans le pays, et la plupart des photos ici datent de juin dernier.
Commerçants roumains, 25 juin '15: "Nous n'avons plus de bottes en caoutchouc à vendre!"
Sources Links:
- http://lightaholic.com/summer-festivalchic-week-with-upc-first-post-from-electric-castle/
- http://lightaholic.com/summer-festivalchic-week-with-upc-second-post-with-some-of-the-cool-people-from-electric-castle/
- http://lifes.ro/ti-ai-ales-deja-tinuta-pentru-festivalurile-din-vara-aceasta-iata-ce-look-uri-se-poarta/electricc/
- http://andradumitrescu.ro/2015/06/30/electric-people-and-style/
- http://www.flashme.ro/2014/06/24/electric-castle-pics-festival-outfits-look-of-the-day-4/
- http://www.stiridecluj.ro/divertisment/cel-mai-tare-fotograf-de-la-electric-castle-si-cum-arata-fata-care-se-credea-la-mall-in-noroi-foto
- http://www.gandul.info/magazin/electric-castle-ploaia-si-noroiul-au-pus-stapanire-pe-festivalul-de-la-cluj-14510221
- http://unbaiat.ro/locuri-ganduri-povesti/electric-castle2015-marea-noroiala/
- http://www.flashme.ro/2014/06/22/electric-castle-pics-festival-outfits-look-of-the-day-3-2/
- http://www.flashme.ro/2013/06/23/electric-castle-pics-festival-outfits-look-of-the-day-2/
- http://transilvaniareporter.ro/cluj/efectul-electric-castle-cizmele-de-cauciuc-se-vand-ca-painea-calda/
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Shopwindow: "Nu avem cizme de cauciuc!" |
In my research on romanian websites I felt the same pleasure to discover all these photos, as was the case in 2012 when I had looked at the polish Open'er festival. Like polish girls, Romanians dare more stunning looks in rubber riding boots, not hesitating to mix materials and colors, and this slightly more than the Spanish, and much more than our dear french girls. All pics bellow are from last june in Cluj, and all rubber riding boots are probably some Decathlon.
Bianca: "Unfortunately I have not been to Electric Castle this year, but next year I won't miss it and my wellies will certainly come with me!"
Ci-dessous, photos des éditions 2014 & 2013. Bellow pics of 2014 & 2013 festivals.
Festivals in BDC69: Open'er & all others.