Des shots qui ne contrediront pas l'avant-dernier post, le BDF #152. Merci àUli, le plus Européen de nos contributeurs. Régate en plein centre de Prague, les rives de la Moldau. Some shots which couldn't contradict the second last post, BDF #152. Thank you to Uli, the most European of our contributors. Regatta in the center of Prague, the banks of Vltava.
Uli:"With regards to your post "Blogs de filles #152" I can confirm that these boots occasionally are seen on czech streets. I spent last weekend in Prague and could see two females wearing them. Of one I could take photos."
Uli:"With regards to your post "Blogs de filles #152" I can confirm that these boots occasionally are seen on czech streets. I spent last weekend in Prague and could see two females wearing them. Of one I could take photos."