"Yes, I do wear them in London downtown, to university, shopping etc. If weather is not very convincing then what else rather than my rubber boots could i wear? :) That's true, most people wear Hunters over there and I guess that's the reason why I'm always complimented about my boots. They look stylish and they fit to the leg properly, so as if someone see them from far, they would never say that they are rubber boots"
Monika is a lovely polish student living in London. Consequently she's one of the very few girls wearing rubber riding boots in the streets of London amongst all of those in Hunter. And she often earned a real success, especially since she wears them everywhere and when weather is inclement, that's to say "often". Likewise in her nice fashion blog she shows many manners to style them: "rock festival" way as here with camo jacket and shorts on naked legs, or "North American casual girl" with a sleeveless jacket and cap. Her blog she called "Makes it simple" is drafted in an excellent english and Monika more than deserves her place in this "Girl's Blog" seies. The mall she sent me, and set out below, perfectly explains her views about her boots .A big thank-you to her.
"Oui, je les porte à Londres même, à la fac, pour faire du shopping etc. Si le temps n'est pas très engageant que puis-je porter d'autre que mes bottes en caoutchouc? :) Il est vrai qu'ici la plupart des gens portent des Hunter et je crois que c'est la raison pour laquelle je suis toujours complimentée sur mes bottes. Elles font élégantes et moulent la jambe comme il faut, de sorte que lorsqu'on les voit de loin, on ne pourrait jamais deviner que ce sont des bottes en caoutchouc"
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